Also here in Italy the IB Carptrack Scopana.Love goes very well!!!
Our team-members Andrea Begarelli on bled lake, Marco Bertaglia on Viverone lake and Matteo Paini on a different lake catch very well! Michael Reggioli on reservoir called “Parco del brenta”, very popular in Italy, he catch a couple of over 20kg and meantime when the lake seems blocked. All this members Have good catches with several carp over 20kg!!!
Here are the catches from Andrea Begarelli
Scopana.Love report from Alessandro Baccoli
Tested in many water basins: natural lakes, streams, fishing grounds with different acidity, always the same results…so many catches!
Pineapple, Butter and Peanut, a marriage of devastating sweetness, give a bite and you will understand what I mean! However, I’ve noticed some differences between the two versions.
Test version 1:
- Not completely smooth
- Tough to crack
- In about 4 hours in the water, the outside begins to crumble to the touch but the heart remains dry
- It absorbs water more slowly
- Colors are subdued
Test version 2:
- Fine-grained and smooth
- Very soft
- It absorbs a lot of water
- In about 4 hours in the water, It crumbles completely
- bright colors
Taking into account the differences between the two, I see the second version best suited for baiting, for fast „sessions“ thanks to the speed with which the boilie goes fishing and I would also use it in cold waters. While the first version, i think of it more suitable during longer sessions. Both for the duration in the water and the compactness of the bait itself, which allows me to keep the same boilie on the rig or in lakes where there are disturbance animals, and even in waters where the temperature is warmer.
Anyway, I´m sure of one thing, „Scopana.Love“ will be in the mouth of many anglers, indeed in the mouth of many carp too! 😉
Alessandro Baccoli
Without words…
Marco Bertaglia was also successful and caught this dream carp!!!
Greetings from Italy
Team Imperial-Fishing Italy
Kundenfeedback Scopana.Love
Hallo Imperial-Fishing Team,
ich habe euren Scopana.Love Boilie ausprobiert und kann nur positives sagen:) Mit jeder Version habe ich zwei Tage geangelt. Ich habe versucht jede Version unter den selben Bedingungen zu fischen (Gutes Wetter bei 24-30 Grad). Die meisten Bisse bekam ich in der Nacht.
Ergebnis Version 1:
10 Grasskarpfen und 9 Karpfen zwischen 4 und 9 Kilo. Zwei verschiedene Variationen probierte ich aus:
KD Rig mit einem Boilie und KD Rig mit zwei Boilies.
Danach war ich sehr gespannt was mit Version 2 kommen sollte:)
Ergebnis Version 2:
Diese brachte mir zwar nicht so viele Fische, aber diese waren deutlich Größer!
Alle lagen zwischen 8 und 14 Kilo:)
Insgesamt bin ich mit den Scopana.Love extrem zufrieden und voll überzeugt!
Vielen Dank, dass ich die Boilies ausprobieren durfte.
Ich werde sicher in Zukunft weiter damit Fischen!
Grüße aus Ungarn!
Zsolt Straubinger
Vielen Dank für Dein tolles Feedback Zsolt!
Good Carping & Tight Lines
Max Nollert und Team
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