Kundenfeedback von Karel Kristlík
Hi Max, first winter weekend 2019 with Elite Strawberry
On the first winter trip in 2019 I took the product line ELITE STRAWBERRY with me. I did not catch a giant, but that was great anyway, due to the conditions I did not expect a lot.
The most successful was a snowman dip in the essence of the Elite Strawberry.
Just love them…
…then came my last true winter fishing with SCOPANA.LOVE
Rabatt-Krach geht weiter!
Der Rabatt-Krach mit über 40 Angeboten geht noch weiter. Nur die Onlinemesse mit den außergewöhnlichen 20% Direktabzug ist vorbei!
Einige fragten zur vergangenen Onlinemesse, ob man denn den Rabattkrach mit den 20% Direktabzug aus der APP kombinieren könne? Hierzu ein kurzer Kommentar:
Angebote sind nicht kombinierbar.Wir wollen ja schon bei der Qualität bleiben, die jeder IBler von uns erwartet.
Das kann man ja auch nicht mit „SoftBait“ Herstellern ohne Lac, Egg etc. vergleichen. Schon 20% Rabatt ist bei uns sehr außergewöhnlich.
Gelegentlich machen wir Naturalrabatt, aber direkter Abzug war bisher nicht der Fall.
Elite Strawberry stayed home and I set off only with ScopanaLove. The most successful was one POP-UP dipped in essence on the D Rig, with crushed boilies of the same flavor at PVA, slightly dipped in the amino dip Scopana.Love. It was probably the last truly „winter fishing“ and I’m glad I could have been sick and enjoy the lake without fishermen.
The Scopana.Love collection has all what is needed! For the complete year, just awesome!
There he goes…..and might come back once in a while, probably on the same bait;-)
Good carping, Karel Kristlík
Problemi di tempo? Nessun‘ problema! by Marco Bertaglia
Basta saper utilizzare al meglio i prodotti che ci vengono messi a disposizione sul mercato. In questo caso, per la mia breve sessione su di un grande lago naturale ho deciso di utilizzare pochissima pastura per ogni calata, nell‘ ordine di 20 palline a canna, le mie IB Carptrack Elite Strawberry del 24 erano gia state pimpate con IB Carptrack inLiquid e IB Carptrack Powder qualche giorno prima di modo da permettere ai liquidi di penetrare a fondo nelle boilies, in oltre come innesco ho scelto una RAMBO Hookbaits Elite Strawberry del 24 completamente ricoperta dalla mitica Pasta composta dai due prodotti usati per il pimp.
La strategia ha funzionato ed ho potuto abbracciare un bello specchione autunnale!
Marco Bertaglia
Imperial-Fishing Italy
> Nachfolgend noch ein „Mixpicle“ The Power of IB – damals, wie heute!
> Below a „Mixpicle“; The Power of IB – then as now!
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